Leeches and Five-Second Texting

As I'm sitting here in the Spectrum watching the women's basketball game against Hawaii, it brings to mind a phenomenon that is related to the "Friend Zone" as described during the Ladder Theory post on this blog some time ago.

Since I know some people will misinterpret this post to be a call-out to them individually, let me just say that this applies to NO ONE that is reading this post.  The people I'm talking about don't read this blog simply because they don't know that it exists.

Without further ado...

We all have the friends that we try to make an honest effort to spend more time with, and at almost every opportunity we send them text messages, write on their wall on Facebook, give them a call or try to stop by their apartment.  You're probably thinking of at least five or six right now as you read about that.  And yet, they never, EVER respond to those invitations to come do anything.  Some of these people it's because you honestly want to get to know them better and be a true friend, and some people you do it for the intent that you have some degree of crush on them and you want to see if they will make the time to spend time with them.  Or, even more importantly, because you want to see if they will take the five seconds to respond to you over text, or if they will blow you off and pretend like they didn't even see the message.

The reason this comes to mind here at the basketball game is because I get text messages from a number of people a few hours before the basketball games or some other event where I save seats for people.  Mind you, I don't even send them the text message I send to the people I don't mind saving for, but they always come crawling to me asking me if I'm going to the game and if I can save seats for them and their five random, married friends.  Or for them and some dude they're on romantic terms with.

I do not mind taking the extra time to save seats for my friends, but there is a difference between being nice and just letting yourself get taken advantage of.  I don't understand where these people get the idea that they can come crawling to me when they need something but ignore me every time I talk to them, but it is a stupid idea that tells me they are a bit self-centered and lack some higher brain function.  My philosophy has become the following:
If I invite you or tell you that you can invite your friends, I am totally cool.  But if your number shows up on my caller ID only when you need to freeload off of me, don't even bother calling me or sending me the message to begin with.
Some people might feel that they freeload, but honestly, if I keep texting you then that is a sign to you that this doesn't apply to you.  I would not text you if I felt that I was getting taken advantage of like that.

So, my friends, don't be a manipulator.  Just like at basketball games, hockey games, performances on campus and the like.  It can give off the impression to others (whether it's right or not, that's a different story) that you use your friends for self-serving means.  Or, at the very least, if you don't want to spend time with someone, ignoring them is the worst thing you can do.  Grow a pair and tell them that you're busy, or that you're not interested, or whatever it may be.  Everyone texts these days, and there is zero excuse for responding back at the very least.  Show some respect by acknowledging their effort and responding accordingly.

Even when responding, don't resort to making excuses (like saying that you're busy doing homework, when in fact you are sitting in your living room watching TV), since that just prolongs the inevitable.  Sooner or later you'll get really annoyed at their repeated attempts to reach out to you and it'll be that much harder--and awkward--to tell them to stop bothering you.  It's better to yank off a Band-Aid in one fell swoop instead of pulling it off bit by bit.  Trust me, it's easier and better in the long run.

That is all.  Have a good weekend...and happy texting!

Oh, and I ate some My Little Pony fruit snacks today.  Enjoy.


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