Sunday we encountered an interesting situation while we were in Council, and I neglected to post it here since I have had my life sucked away by the new setup in our living room. Regardless, I am at work so that means I can dink around on my laptop since that's pretty much all that I am expected to do.
So one of our wonderful friends told us a tale...oh wait, I want to break into song. I'm going to put this to the tune of "Gilligan's Island". Lyrics have been adapted, of course:
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a funny trip
That started from apartment one
Aboard this tiny ship.
The girl was a wise and mellow gal,
The listeners brave and sure.
Five people gathered round that day
For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.
The story started getting rough,
The sweetheart girl was tossed,
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
Her sanity would be lost, her sanity would be lost.
The Council set the record straight on the question that was asked
With Jared-son
Bill Bowers too,
The landlord's son...he chimed in,
The Blakesta's here
Jon and Daniel just came home,
Here at Council of War.
Wow, that was impressive, if I do say so myself. I wish I would've been born a decade earlier so I could compete in MTV's old show, Lyricist Lounge. I would've made millions.
Anyway, back to the SHOW. It basically came down to this: our friend was in the company of a number of friends and the topic came up between them about whether or not it is appropriate for a girl to text/call/make FIRST contact with a guy following a date. She wasn't going to reveal more of the story until we said our opinions on the matter, so we went around one-by-one until we were ready to hear her verdict.
All of us agreed- it's not a bad thing for the guy to do so, but it is actually quite cool when a girl makes that contact, even if she's not interested after all and she just wants to say "thank you". Personally, I think that yes, it's more chivalrous if the guy is contacting her first and all that, but it is not a requirement by any means. I mean, heck, the guy has already gone out on a limb by asking the girl out. Whether or not he is interested in her is not in question- he's proved that already by asking her out in the first place. Being a guy, I know I get nervous or stressed wondering if the girl really did like the date or not, how she feels about me, etc. Getting a text or message like that from the girl is nothing short of a godsend. Even if it is to tell me "thanks, but no thanks", MAN that makes all the difference. I don't think at all it's required for guys to do so, so girls should feel free too.
Well, apparently all her friends apparently think that's a huge no-no for a girl to do that. A few of them mentioned that it's the guy's responsibility. Ok, sorry, but any girl that thinks the guy should be doing EVERYTHING obviously doesn't understand the concept of mutual attraction. I don't mind going out of my way, but doing all of that makes you almost feel used and manipulated by the girl. Like holding a carrot at the end of the stick, except with no carrot. Sorry, ladies, you need to stop using chivalry as an excuse to be an idle partner in any relationship.
She was totally overruled. She thought she was crazy, and we assured her that she wasn't. Goes to show how much most girls know about what to expect from guys, and how guys see it. In a way I hope those girls take off their relationship glasses, because they're obviously going to burn out any guy they're involved with. It's like wearing sunglasses at night. Yeah, go ahead, listen to Corey Hart's song on that matter. Perhaps it will be inspirational for you.
So in closing, don't wear sunglasses at night. It's OK to text the guy the day or week after the date. It means more than you understand, and we have already gone out on a limb. There is nothing dishonorable or weird about being willing to look up at the tree and notice us hanging on that branch there. Whenever we ask you out, a lot of times I feel like I'm hanging for my LIFE.
It really is THAT nerve-wracking! We do it because we really do think you are worth risking life and limb for. Talking to us after the dating isn't too much to ask of you.
Coming soon: a discussion about how to break the "touch barrier". That next post will be epic, I think everyone wants to hear different thoughts on this.
Notable Quote: "Hence the saying: One may know how to conquer without being able to do it."
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